k8ez Project Open Sourced!

The m9sweeper team is pleased to announce that we have open sourced k8ez. k8ez is a starter helm chart that can be used to deploy just about anything to Kubernetes as well as a continually-growing collection of Dockerfile examples for use with different common tech...

M9sweeper 1.2.1 Release Update

M9sweeper version 1.2.1 has been released! With version 1.2.1, M9sweeper is now open sourced under the Apache Commons License! Having built our careers around delivering open source software, we are excited to give back, and we hope that this will mean more...

Using Gatekeeper to Secure your Environment

Using Gatekeeper to Secure your Environment Kubernetes is an extensible system, but also a very complex one. In enterprises, it is common to define a set of best practices about how to use Kubernetes as well as how to build software, and then to attempt to get...